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The Definitive Guide To Marketing Your Business On Instagram


I never really used Instagram, but once I learned that it has over 100 million users, I had no choice but to start using it.

“Why?” you may ask.

Well, not only can you leverage it to promote your personal brand, but you can use it to promote your business as well.

When I first started using it, within the first few days my account climbed to one hundred followers, but then it slowly stopped growing. I was still gaining a few followers a day, but it wasn’t significant enough to gain any traction as my one hundred followers resulted in no more than thirteen likes on any one of my images.

So, over the weekend I started learning everything about Instagram: what causes users to like images, what causes them to follow others, and how you can get more people to find your images.

I then applied what I learned to my account. Now, I am consistently gaining over two hundred followers a day, and my images can easily get well over a hundred likes. Best of all, I am able to achieve these results by only following 5 people (I know, I need to start following more people).

Download this 6 step worksheet to get more followers and likes on Instagram.

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